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Senior High School Report Card

Friday, August 25, 2017

Contemporary Arts of the Philippines

The cultures and arts of the Philippines are still unknown to some  Filipino people. Little did they know that these reflect a society with diverse cultural influences and traditions. 

The Malay people who had early connection with traders were introduced with Chinese, Indian and Arab influences.

Muslim tradition was first introduced to the Malays of the southern Philippine Islands in the 14th century. 

Most contemporary aspects of Philippine cultural life evolved under the foreign influence of Spain, Japan and later, the United States of America.

My class in contemporary arts finds a way of educating the children of today and their children in the future through this artistic presentation of Philippine Arts, then and now. 

Be instructed. Be informed. Learn.

Here's some of the videos they created. 

1. Contemporary Arts 1

wait for the uploads to complete. i will be back for the final editing of this blog.

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