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Senior High School Report Card

Thursday, May 8, 2008

"Worrying is like paying on a debt on a loan you don't have."

May 4- 8, 2008

This week has been a trying week to say the least. I had to focus although my mind was left back at home with my 2 beautiful angels.

It was last Monday when I started to identify the subject of my imminent study. I had done several attempts but I failed to formulate a good one brought about by my insufficient knowledge on problem formulation.

I did a trial and error in formulating a problem with the notes I borrowed from ma’am Vivian. I cram. I worry a lot and I really fret on how i should formulate a good but easy one. You see, i did a lot of worrying on those days prior to the actual formulation only to find out that i was able to make one instantaneously the day when the mentors demanded. The gift of wisdom and the power of adrenaline. Salamat Lord... If not because of You, I would have died before I presented my mediocre work to my mentors.
I am happy to apportion a bit of my time to think and plan for the enrichment of my students' reading comprehension skills. I am driven by my grit and tenacity to pursue the study to alleviate the ESL (English as the Second Language) teachers' major problem in integrating the foreign language across the curriculum.
I have mapped the study in my mind with with several thrusts. First and foremost is the target that students, when they get older, should be more efficient at recognizing and recalling facts, recognizing and inferring main themes and relationships, drawing conclusions, making judgments and generalizations, predicting outcomes, applying what has been learned, and following directions. These are the fundamental skills students should have to make reading meaningful.
Hence, i should find a way to systematically teach and focus on this problem and develop a media that would make learning fun and meaningful like uploading online stories in an interactive manner to obtain an a-one outcome. I believe that with this interactive strategy students would learn best and would have longer retention.

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