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Senior High School Report Card

Thursday, May 8, 2008

"Worrying is like paying on a debt on a loan you don't have."

May 4- 8, 2008

This week has been a trying week to say the least. I had to focus although my mind was left back at home with my 2 beautiful angels.

It was last Monday when I started to identify the subject of my imminent study. I had done several attempts but I failed to formulate a good one brought about by my insufficient knowledge on problem formulation.

trying to go beyond my limit... (a reflection)

Just as i consider the 4 C's in my successful research prob formulation, i'll take these in fulfilling my dreams as well.

The first C stands for contstraints.
The second C is conclusions.
The third one is Courses of action.
The last C is for Consequences.

Do you ever realize that when you start to think of achieving something - you find it everywhere? It's like your mind is on high alert and you can sense or feel that 'thing' you so covet. I remembered when I so wish to have my first Maldita dress. I was like wearing an eyeglasses with the image of the dress on it that everywhere I turn, I see everyone wearing it.

I am not a real feely-philosophical-young-aged type of person, however I do see that sometimes the chance or opportunity is either with you or against you.

Recently, I have felt that the chance is with me. I received a lot of blessings and I gained support from my superior (Mam Joy) in the profession. Not to mention the mails I received from my superiors in the ICT community of our division this morning which let me feel important. It lets me feel tall though I'm not.

I have been thinking of the things I am thankful for and noticing that everyone's doing the same. I must be in good company here.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fourth Day's Input

Topic: Problem or Project-Based Learning

What i got from Dr. Dioquino's talk yesterday was what she kept stressing. That's letting students discover new ideas by themselves!

In other words, use the time-tested EXPLORATORY strategy, which i categorized as one of the Montessorial Approaches in the Teaching-Learning process.

That's the meat of the matter!
All the rest of the issues she emphasized are no biggie.